by Alane Freund | Nov 15, 2024
It’s My Party (Lesley Gore, 1963), or for the younger crowd, Melanie sampled It’s My Party and made Pity Party in 2015. It’s the quintessential HSP birthday song. It’s My Party came out the year before I was born, but my highly sensitive parents, both born in 1940,...
by Alane Freund | Aug 13, 2024
As you can see by the letters after my name, I had some education under my belt before I discovered Ubiquity University and the School of Wisdom Studies, where I am working on a doctorate. My primary masters degree was in Clinical Psychology, and I have been a...
by Alane Freund | Apr 14, 2023
What if children could be “depression-proof”? What if someone had depression-proofed you? Is it possible to prevent depression? It’s not that HSPs are more likely to have bouts of depression… YET We kinda are. If a sensitive person’s...
by Alane Freund | Dec 13, 2022
You think you got stress? The day after Thanksgiving, searching for a lost Apple pencil in my parents’ couch, we uncovered a nest of Fiddleback Spiders (aka Brown Recluse). Yep, poisonous spiders, and one literally crawled over my 21 year-old son’s bare foot....
by Alane Freund | Nov 15, 2022
This is the quintessential HSP birthday song, isn’t it? It’s My Party (Lesley Gore 1963), or for the young crowd, Melanie sampled It’s My Party and made Pity Party in 2015. It’s My Party came out the year before I was born, but my highly sensitive parents, both born...