
“Alane Freund is a compelling, engaging, and inspiring speaker who strives to create dialogue, provide tools, and shift community awareness about the trait of high sensitivity and about honoring difference.”



Mental Health Professionals are always welcome at our events.


January’s Featured Event

Working with Sensitivity for Professionals

January 10th, Treatment, and Alignment with Adults and Youth who are Highly Sensitive for Professionals

CEs available (HSPs also welcome) 12-2 pm Pacific | 3-5 pm US Eastern.

Our Current Schedule

January 4, 2024 

Wise Women & Wonder/WWW

Highly Sensitive Women (HSW) 55+ are invited to join in a monthly sensitivity coaching circle offering the community with support and solutions guided by coach and therapist, Alane Freund, LMFT.

We are addressing topics including: What is your Wisdom Mission? How do you clear any obstacles remaining from your earlier life. What is the “golden thread” of your life? What are the developmental tasks of becoming wise women? And, of course topics our members bring. Most women attend every month, but we always welcome new members who want to check it out. Please register early because we keep out circle small and intimate. Email for waiting list if you can’t get in.

Are You Highly Sensitive Coaching Circles with Alane Freund are using a sustainable or “green” economy price structure. The idea is that those who can, will pay at the higher level, thereby creating a level of sustainability that supports others in the community who need to pay at a lower level.

Register here for the next circle on January 4, 2024

January 5, 17, 30, 2024

Open Coaching Office Hours (coaching/Q&A session)

Special Event! The full Are You Highly Sensitive Library is OPEN to members at 2019 rates. Weekly Open Coaching Office Hours, recordings, and community. Hosted by Alane Freund. Learn more and join here before the end of the year to lock in the 2019 rate forever ($37/month).

AYHS Open Coaching Office Hours with licensed therapist and International Consultant on High Sensitivity, Alane Freund. (US Eastern times: 1/5 at 3pm, 1/17 at 1pm, 1/30 at 8pm.) All topics and questions are welcome!

Read more and register here

January 10, 2024

Working with Sensitivity: Temperament, Treatment, and Alignment with Adults and Youth who are Highly Sensitive

An Online Lecture and Discussion by Alane Freund, MS, MA, LMFT, ICHS. Sliding scale $15-45. Students, Trainees, Associates, and Interns attend for free. No one turned away for lack of funds. Continuing Education available.

Alane Freund, will outline core characteristics, scientific research, and case examples of the trait of High Sensitivity in order to distinguish it from possible differential diagnoses. Clinicians will learn to recognize the trait in often under-represented (in the research) or marginalized populations. Participants will compile effective strategies for Highly Sensitive clients managing over-arousal or overstimulation and assess for unique symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Learn more and register here

January 18, 2024

Speaking Horse Class

Leadership – Drive or Draw

Understanding the language and nervous system of the horse and what it means to HSPs (a mini HSPs & Horses event). Fundraiser for the nonprofit rescue, pay what you want.

Learn more and register here

 Sensitive and Strong (HSP Support Group)

An open discussion group with support, coaching, and empowerment. It isn’t quite a therapy group, but rather a drop-in support group run by a therapist. And we would love to have you join us.

Highly Sensitive People (HSP) are invited to join in a monthly Sensitivity Circle offering community support and solutions, guided by International Consultant on High Sensitivity and therapist, Alane Freund, LMFT.

People in our circles have wondered about friendship, connection, work life, overwhelm, creativity, life changes, work life, relationships, parenting, family, dating, divorcing, loss, finding purpose, spirituality, meditation, mindful living, well, you get the picture. The discussion is always rich because our sensitive brains are going deep and thinking hard. Our strong empathy brings up emotions and compassion.




Alane Freund offers several Sensitivity Circles each month, a smaller community with very personalized help addressing your concerns or challenges. Alane focusses on solutions—the ones that work for you—and we all might share our experience, strength, and hope with each other. Circles include: Parenting Sensitivity, HSPs in Relationships, HSQ, HSPs at Work, and Wise Women & Wonder (women over 50). Please visit us on Eventbrite for more information and to register for our Sensitivity Circles. If we are between sessions for the circle you are searching, please email us for more information: [email protected]. Some circles require an intake interview before receiving a registration link. Parenting and relationship circles are open.

AYHS Sensitivity Circles with Alane Freund are using a sustainable or “green” economy price structure. The idea is that those who can, will pay at the higher level, thereby creating a level of sustainability that supports others in the community who need to pay at a lower level.


Wise Women & Wonder/WWW: 1st Saturdays, 10am PDT / Noon EDT  

Highly Sensitive Women (HSW) 50+ are invited to join in a monthly sensitivity coaching circle offering the community with support and solutions guided by coach and therapist, Alane Freund, LMFT. Wise Women in our past circles have Wondered about friendship, connection, loneliness, life changes, relationships, adult children, dating, divorcing, loss, creativity, finding purpose, changing bodies, spirituality, meditation, mindful living, well, you get the picture. Register here.


Parenting Highly Sensitive Children and Youth

Facilitated by parent, family therapist, and International Consultant on High Sensitivity, Alane Freund, MS, MA, this Sensitivity Coaching circle is for parents of all ages of HSCs and HSYouth. We discuss any and all parenting questions, concerns, or dilemmas for parenting any age child. You might also want to talk about your life as a parent. Each parent will have time to talk, ask questions, and get support in finding solutions to their unique story. Let’s face it, raising sensitivity is a BIG challenge. We need a team of experts and lots of emotional support. Alane promises to offer her experience, strength, and hope based on three decades of experience supporting families and two decades parenting her own sensitive kid. 


HSProfessionals at Work

Highly Sensitive People can experience the highest level of success professionally, but it takes a toll on us. How do we survive the stressors and learn to thrive in our professional lives?

One of the most important tools for thriving as HSProfessionals is community, so I hope you will join our community in this coaching circle.

Research shows HSPs experience more stress and less job satisfaction, yet receive better performance reviews than those without the trait. This can really create a Catch-22 for us unless we adapt our work life and create environments and relationships that support us and our success.

Please join us for developing community, sharing strategies, and receiving coaching from International Consultant on High Sensitivity and HSProfessional, Alane Freund, MS, MA, LMFT (Lic.#36077). (Email for waitlist.)

Workshops Taught by Alane Freund

  • School-based Competencies for Supporting Highly Sensitive Children and Teens.
  • Parent Education on the Trait of High Sensitivity
  • Highly Sensitive Therapists Retreat, Menla Retreat Center
  • Weekend for Highly Sensitive People: Appreciate Your Hidden Advantage
  • HSP Self-Care Immersion: A Deeper Exploration of Your Sensitive Advantage
  • Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child and Teen
  • Queer ≠ Strange: A Diversity and Competency Workshop on the LGBT Communities for Health, Education, and Business Professionals
  • Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association Annual Conference: Understanding Eagala-Model work with Highly Sensitive People

Equine-assisted Workshops in Collaboration with Heart and Mind Equine

  • HSPs & Horses: Intro Weekend Retreat
  • HSPs & Horses: Deepening into Ourselves (advanced retreat)
  • HSPs & Horses Weeklong Retreat (Intro and Deepening in one week)
  • Clinicians’ CE Credit and Training is offered at all HSPs & Horses
  • Countertransference and Therapeutic Alignment: An Equine-assisted Experiential Workshop for Mental Health Professionals
  • Graceful Boundaries: Ranking and Linking in Work and Personal Relationships
  • Referral Marketing & Networking: Attracting, Developing, & Prospering: Half-day and full-day workshops.
  • Youth Leadership Program: Weekly Ecotherapy and Leadership groups and daylong retreats for tweens and teens (middle school and high school)
  • HSP Empowerment Program

For additional information about Alane Freund’s programs and availability, please fill out the Lecture Request Form so that we can be in touch.

Lecture Request

(If event date is not yet set, put today’s date.)


Wondering if you are highly sensitive?

Listen to a short talk on it.