
Emotional Leadership.

Adults and youth with finely tuned nervous systems (highly sensitive people) are deep thinkers and emotional leaders.

Research shows that supervisors and teachers rate them as the highest performers while the highly sensitive employees and students are more likely to be dissatisfied in the work or school environment.

Overlooking these individuals means missing out on a massive source of talent and innovation.

Stop setting your stars up to fail!

Knowing that this innate trait is real, found in one out of five people, and creates a highly reactive brain is the key to reaching and teaching the stars in your organization or classrooms.

Imagine that employee (student) who can see the connections, create the presentations that change everyone’s perspective, and is loved by the client.

And is that also the person who has anxiety or incredible stress right before “The Moment?”

Knowledge is power – for the organization as well as for the highly sensitive person.

Shift the conversation, change the perspective.

In my talks, I present the science of sensitivity, as well as accessible tips for identifying the trait and thriving with it.

You will develop the vocabulary and the skills to nurture these critical pools of talent and bring the benefits into your organization.

As a keynote speaker and trainer, I have presented at conferences and workshops around the world.

To find out more call (415) 203-6600 today.

Or submit this contact form and someone will contact you promptly.

Topics for presentation include:

  • A Weekend for Highly Sensitive People
  • An Introduction to the Trait of High Sensitivity: D.O.E.S.
  • Differential Diagnosis and High Sensitivity for Mental Health Professionals
  • Continuing Education for Therapists, Psychologists, Social Workers, and other Health Professionals: Nurturing Finely Tuned Nervous Systems.
  • Highly Sensitive People Self-Care Immersion—Managing Anxiety and the Five to Thrive
  • Thriving in School: In-service training for school professionals Preschool-College
  • Parent Education Preschool-High School: Finely Tuned Orchid Children—Helping our Sensitive Children Thrive.
  • Highly Sensitive Parents: The Highly Effective Minority
  • Highly Sensitive Professionals from Solopreneur to CEO: Nurturing your Best Employees and How to Retain Them
  • Sensitive: The Untold Story, A documentary film about the trait of High Sensitivity from best-selling author, Dr. Elaine Aron. Alane Freund can offer Q&A or panel discussion after screening the film.
  • Equine-assisted Psychotherapy: An Introduction to the Eagala model for Mental Health Professionals

Workshops taught by Alane Freund

  • School-based Competencies for Supporting Highly Sensitive Children and Teens.
  • Parent Education on the Trait of High Sensitivity
  • Highly Sensitive Therapists and Health Care Providers Continuing Education
  • Weekend for Highly Sensitive People: Appreciate Your Hidden Advantage
  • HSP Self Care Immersion: A Deeper Exploration of Your Sensitive Advantage
  • Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child and Teen
  • Queer ≠ Strange: A Diversity and Competency Workshop on the LGBTQ Communities for Health, Education, and Business Professionals
  • Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning: Understanding Eagala-Model work with Highly Sensitive People

Equine-assisted in Collaboration with Heart and Mind Equine

  • HSPs & Horses: Intro Weekend Retreat
  • HSPs & Horses: Deepening into Ourselves (advanced retreat)
  • HSPs & Horses Weeklong Retreat (Intro and Deepening in one week)
  • Clinicians’ CE Credit and Training is offered at all HSPs & Horses
  • Countertransference and Therapeutic Alignment: An Equine-assisted Experiential Workshop for Mental Health Professionals
  • Graceful Boundaries: Ranking and Linking in Work and Personal Relationships
  • Referral Marketing & Networking: Attracting, Developing, & Prospering: Half-day and full-day workshops.
  • Youth Leadership Program: Weekly Ecotherapy and Leadership groups and daylong retreats for tweens and teens (middle school and high school)
  • HSP Empowerment Program

Request Alane Freund for Your Next Event or Conference

(If event date is not yet set, put today’s date.)


Understanding Highly Sensitive Kids Workshop

Sensitivity, a gift and a superpower

Wondering if you are highly sensitive?

Listen to a short talk on it.