by Alane Freund | Apr 14, 2023
What if children could be “depression-proof”? What if someone had depression-proofed you? Is it possible to prevent depression? It’s not that HSPs are more likely to have bouts of depression… YET We kinda are. If a sensitive person’s...
by Alane Freund | Apr 21, 2022
Living with high sensitivity at work, parties, family events, aka places where we have to advocate for ourselves and practice radical self care before, during, and after requires us to be ON…maybe more than we feel we can manage most days. You can do everything you...
by Alane Freund | Mar 23, 2022
My highly sensitive community, we need both sanctuary and spirituality in order to live our best lives, especially when the world is in chaos. And…as I try to imagine how long the world has been this way, I have decided I think it has been utter chaos out there for as...