Highly Sensitive Sanctuary and Spirituality

Highly Sensitive Sanctuary and Spirituality

My highly sensitive community, we need both sanctuary and spirituality in order to live our best lives, especially when the world is in chaos. And…as I try to imagine how long the world has been this way, I have decided I think it has been utter chaos out there for as...
What did self care look like for you yesterday?

What did self care look like for you yesterday?

What did self care look like for you yesterday? What would you like it to be in the next 24 hours? Go ahead and write it down now. Writing down our goals or intentions at least doubles the likelihood that we will realize them. For me in this next 24 hours: 1. I will...

Shehecheyanu 2021

The change of calendar years is just one in the long series of “new” year celebrations I like to acknowledge. First, the pagan calendar celebrates the new turn of years on Samhain, aka Halloween. Then I celebrate my personal new year on my birthday in mid-November....
HSPs Walking for Self Care

HSPs Walking for Self Care

We must walk before we run. I don’t know who said that, and I think it’s universal enough that I don’t have to give a citation. This universal truth popped up into my brain while meditating today. How true it is in metaphor as well as practicality. It is the perfect...

Wondering if you are highly sensitive?

Listen to a short talk on it.