Alane Freund’s live Q&A webinars for Highly Sensitive People and Parents Who Are Sensitive and/or Raising Highly Sensitive Children. Join our membership to post your questions and get recordings of every call. Or attend live at 11am PST.

March 6: HSP FIVE to THRIVE—all questions welcome. Our theme is howwe thrive as highly sensitive people—THE FIVE to THRIVE, the title of Alane Freund’s upcoming book. Let’s talk about tools and challenges. SPECIAL GUEST, Martha Williams, shaman, healer, and teacher, will guide us through a body scan to settle the nervous system and promote relaxation and a sense of wellbeing. Questions can be submitted ahead of time or live and all registrants get a recording of the call. Register here.

March 23: Parenting, Co-Parenting, and Self-Regulation—all parenting questions welcome. SPECIAL GUEST, Candy Crawford, therapist, parenting expert, and a fellow International Consultant on High Sensitivity. Candy and I will speak on self-regulation and conscious parenting and speak to the challenges on the path. Questions can be submitted ahead of time or live and all registrants get a recording of the call. Register here.

April 3: Elaine Aron will join Alane Freund on our Live Video Coaching Webinar for HSPs. We will talk about anxiety and depression in these difficult times, and as with all of these webinars, we will do Q and A. Questions can be submitted ahead of time or live and all registrants get a recording of the call. Register here


Mental Health Professionals: All workshops offer continuing education credits.

March 13-15: Weekend for Highly Sensitive Men at 1440 Multiversity.

April: Publication of The Highly Sensitive Parent by Elaine Aron, PhD

April 10: Marin CAMFT CE workshop: HSPs and the Environment, by Alane Freund. What does it mean to have environmental sensitivity? This is one definition of high sensitivity, AND it’s a big deal for HSPs when our actual global environment is changing. From climate change to the political climate, highly sensitive people are profoundly aware and can experience these environmental
impacts as traumatic. A presentation and discussion on tools to help HSPs navigate the news and their own empathy. 11:30am-2:00pm, San Rafael, CA.

May 1-3: HSPs and Horses Workshop NEW DATES Join 8-10 HSPs, a herd of HSHs (highly sensitive horses), Elaine Aron, and Alane Freund for an intimate, deep, soothing, healing weekend in northern California. Email Alane with questions and register here. Read more about HSPs and Horses here or

June 5: Sensitive Families: The Highly Sensitive Parent and Child, a new workshop based on Elaine Aron’s new book, The Highly Sensitive Parent. Daylong workshop for parents and professionals at 1440 Multiversity with Elaine and Alane…and stay over for…

June 5-7: Highly Sensitive People: Celebrate Your Hidden Advantage and the 25th Anniversary of The Highly Sensitive Person at 1440 Multiversity.  We plan to truly celebrate how far HSPs have come, including new research. And for returnees, there will be special activities and a screening of Sensitive and in Love. Alane will do a bit more of the actual presenting, but Elaine will speak and answer Qs, and be there the entire weekend. Registration opens at their website soon.

Daylong Workshop for HSPs October 24th , 10 to 5 pm, California Institute of Integral Studies in Francisco (The information for registration is not yet up.)  Elaine Aron and Alane Freund. Continuing education units available.

November 20-22: Highly Sensitive People: Celebrate Your Hidden Advantage and the 25th Anniversary of The Highly Sensitive Person at Kripalu Retreat Center in Massachusetts. We plan to truly celebrate how far HSPs have come, including new research. And for returnees, there will be special activities and a screening of Sensitive and in Love. Alane will facilitate this workshop and Elaine Aron will give the keynote address and answer questions via Skype. Registration opens at their website soon.

Sounds True continues to sell “The Highly Sensitive Person’s Complete Learning Program,” [link] 10 hours of Elaine Aron speaking on all things HSP. There are continuing education credits for those who need them in their profession.

Wondering if you are highly sensitive?

Listen to a short talk on it.