by Alane Freund | Dec 31, 2021
Welcome to the end…Well, the end of another year of craziness. Doesn’t it seem pretty insane in the world–STILL? I’m hoping to find my way into some kind of acceptance of life as it is. You probably know that I am a huge fan of Awareness,...
by Alane Freund | Aug 12, 2021
What were three kind things you did for yourself in the past week? I’m working on self-compassion so I can help others as well as myself. Highly sensitive people, we need this work. Please take this letter and adapt it for yourself, or use it just as it is. In our...
by Alane Freund | Aug 9, 2021
Full disclosure: my own therapist put me on this journey to explore, embrace, and hopefully one day implement self-compassion. I’m working on it, but it ain’t easy for me. I’m good at criticism (of myself and others). I’m great at perfectionism...