Ubiquity University Student of the Month

Ubiquity University Student of the Month

As you can see by the letters after my name, I had some education under my belt before I discovered Ubiquity University and the School of Wisdom Studies, where I am working on a doctorate. My primary masters degree was in Clinical Psychology, and I have been a...
Can Kids Be Depression-Proofed?

Can Kids Be Depression-Proofed?

 What if children could be “depression-proof”? What if someone had depression-proofed you? Is it possible to prevent depression? It’s not that HSPs are more likely to have bouts of depression… YET We kinda are. If a sensitive person’s...
Advantages to Being Highly Sensitive

Advantages to Being Highly Sensitive

   What Do HSPs Appreciate about Being Highly Sensitive? As we kick off the HSP Life Re-Design course with The Shift Network, students are re-writing the story of their lives as highly sensitive people. Part of the re-writing and re-design comes from a focus on the...
M is for Meditation

M is for Meditation

Are HSPs Different in Our Susceptibility to Meditation? Darn tootin’. That’s southern cowpoke lingo for “Sure thing.” Not only are we more susceptible to meditation, but also it looks really different for us when we do meditate. Here at the end of August 2022, I...
Will the parents make it to summer break?

Will the parents make it to summer break?

I’ve been talking to lots of families this month, and we’re all getting out of denial about how soon the school year will end. Maybe you have a preschooler, and they get to just keep going all summer, but most of the kids need other plans. If you...

Wondering if you are highly sensitive?

Listen to a short talk on it.