Highly Sensitive, Sustainable Community
SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY as Highly Sensitive Activism Sustainability aligns beautifully with a sensitive worldview. Highly sensitive people are born with highly empathy and an exquisite awareness of their environment, including all the beings co-creating and living in...
Sensitive Youth and Worry
Is worry helping or hurting your sensitive family? Highly sensitive children and teens know all about worrying. It comes with deeply processing and subtlety noticing – hallmarks of a highly sensitive brain. We sensitive ones were designed to think. But where is the...Highly Sensitive People, Sleep, and Pain: Obstacles to Well-Being
What is well-being for a highly sensitive person? It means optimal level of arousal – that wonderful state where we are most fully ourselves, at ease, and living into our gifts as HSPs. It means not being overwhelmed, overstimulated, or over-aroused. It means much...Love the Kid You Got – Love the Kid You Are
Incredible joy and deep challenges. I didn’t choose a complicated, intense, amazing kid. The world chose me for him and it was right. UNIQUE is the word of the day. Every highly sensitive person and youth is unique. There are as many ways to be sensitive as...HSPs, Love, and Relationships
Making Relationships Work Even When a Cave Sounds Good February is LOVE month. HSPs and Love, in particular. These two things go together well, and also sometimes it’s not so smooth. This blog has FIVE pieces of curated (for HSPs) relationship wisdom plus a...
Vacation Strategies: Highly Sensitive Youth
Core Elements to an Ideal HSY Vacation What makes an ideal vacation for sensitive youth? Sure, it’s important to weave in some family rituals. But maybe the best vacation is about no pressure. Freedom + Time = Ingenuity This photo, Winter 1978: Alane and Skoshi,...
Holiday Stress Prevention for the Highly Sensitive Family
You think you got stress? The day after Thanksgiving, searching for a lost Apple pencil in my parents’ couch, we uncovered a nest of Fiddleback Spiders (aka Brown Recluse). Yep, poisonous spiders, and one literally crawled over my 21 year-old son’s bare foot....
This is the quintessential HSP birthday song, isn’t it? It’s My Party (Lesley Gore 1963), or for the young crowd, Melanie sampled It’s My Party and made Pity Party in 2015. It’s My Party came out the year before I was born, but my highly sensitive parents, both born...